What happens when I check in?

3 Jan , 2020

You will either be met at the property by an AES staff member or left instructions on how to collect your keys. Some of our buildings have an on-site manager or a 24-hour reception, in which case keys would be collected there. If you are unsure of the check-in procedure, then please click here to […]

Is anyone else allowed to stay in my apartment?

10 Jan , 2020

Unfortunately, overnight guests are strictly prohibited. If you have friends and family visiting, please let us know as we can help you arrange alternative accommodation for them.

What happens if I break something?

10 Jan , 2020

We realise that breakages do occur and are happy to replace broken items within reason. However, if there are a significant amount of breakages, these will incur a charge.

Who else has access to the apartment?

10 Jan , 2020

Housekeeping staff will have access on cleaning days, and AES maintenance staff have access to carry out routine maintenance. All staff carry ID cards that can be shown on request. Our staff will always knock or ring the bell before entering any apartment.

When will my apartment be cleaned?

10 Jan , 2020

The cleaning schedule will be posted on the bulletin board in your building. If your cleaning day has to be changed for any reason, you will be informed. Please note that, if your regular cleaning day is a Tuesday and you check out on a Wednesday, you will not have a cleaner visit that week; […]

What are the cleaners’ responsibilities?

10 Jan , 2020

Your cleaner will carry out the following: Replace all sheets and pillowcases (apart from Conway Hall where you are responsible for the laundering of the bed linen) Vacuum and dust all common parts Clean the bathroom(s) Clean kitchen surfaces, which you must clear prior to the cleaning service. Washing up will not be done by […]

Where should I have my mail sent?

10 Jan , 2020

We recommend that you have parcels sent to our main administration office at Richbell House in Holborn (5 Richbell place, holborn, WC1N 3LA). Please ensure that parcels include your name, your college, the flat and building where you live. For example Jane Smith, University of X, House/Flat Y,  Z  Building, c/o Anglo Educational Services, followed […]

What happens if I lose my key?

10 Jan , 2020

Unfortunately, losing your keys will incur a charge. Please ensure that you do not have anything identifying your address with the keys, as this will result in changing the main front door lock and thus a higher charge to yourself.