Anglo Study Centres COVID-19 Policy
Coronavirus Policies and Updates
Anglo Educational Services sees the safety of our colleagues and clients as our main priority. Our team is diligently monitoring government advice within the UK and abroad, to ensure all recommended practices are being implemented and followed to stop the spread of the virus. AES will continue to inform all partners and participants on any relevant and important updates related to COVID-19.
All sites are Covid-19 compliant and hold CSC accreditation. Our study centre at Richbell House is additionally accredited with AIM Secure and adheres to their meeting room standards for Covid-19 safety.
Our study centre at Richbell House is operating with ease in mind for our visiting students and clients. At reception you will find a facial recognition thermometer, contactless hand sanitiser and a QR track and trace login code. Throughout the building there are clear signs and walkways to help the flow of students in and out of the building.
For more information on how we strive to keep the health and safety across our sites in check, please download the policies for our accommodation and study centres.